Magnetic Carabiner

Magnetic Carabiner

Magnetic Carabiner

Magnetic carabiners are most useful for industrial, construction, commercial, and even residential applications that require hooking up and organizing heavy items.

They provide secure industrial-grade holding power (from 5 to 200+ pounds) when hanging up machinery, equipment, signs, beams, cables, and storage tools.

Most magnetic carabiners are made with Neodymium permanent magnets, which is the most powerful commercially available permanent magnet.


What are magnetic carabiners?

Magnetic carabiners offer a convenient way to hang up items without the need for screws and drills. A quick-release and locking collar provides a secure alternative to magnetic hooks.

Magnetic carabiner holding power generally ranges from 10 to 45 pounds. Industrial-grade magnetic carabiners can hold up as much as 100 to 200+ pounds.


How are magnetic carabiners made?

Magnetic carabiners are made with neodymium pot magnets with a diameter ranging from 15mm to 60mm,

Durable industrial-grade aluminum carabiners are then attached to the neodymium pot magnet for secure locking and release,


How are magnetic carabiners used?

Magnetic carabiners come in a variety of sizes and holding power.

Smaller magnetic carabiners are ideal for use at home, in schools, offices, or in garages for organizing tools and keys.

Magnetic carabiners are also convenient for attachment to work shelves, metal cabinets, door frames, and L-beams.

They’re also highly in-demand in commercial locations that need a non-intrusive way to hang up lighting, beams, and signages.

Industrial and construction operations also rely on magnetic carabiners to hold up wires, cables, grommets, power tools, and other heavy machinery in warehouses.

Magnetic carabiners are also used to safely haul up workers for the construction and cleaning of high-rise buildings and surfaces.

Magnetic carabiners are also increasingly used for outdoor recreation (camping, fishing, and rock climbing) and rescue operations.


Best Magnetic Carabiner Manufacturer in China

Retailers and distributors of magnet supplies and products will find great wholesale permanent magnet deals in China.

Trusted manufacturers like Dailymag offer high-quality industrial-grade permanent magnet customizations for magnetic carabiners.

Dailymag manufactures and supplies Neodymium permanent magnets, including disc, block, ring, segment, sphere, and neocube.

Dailymag also specializes in the production of various Neodymium pot magnet makes, including:

  • Hook
  • Internal thread bolt
  • External thread bolt
  • Countersink
  • Channel magnet
  • Rubbercoated


If you’d like to order your own design of Neodymium magnets, Dailymag offers free consultations with their expert design team. Even better, you can get free samples to ensure that you can make the most out of your orders.

Dailymag also ensures the quality of their production line through transparent access to factory tours and quality control certificates.

For free consultations and quotations of permanent magnets for magnetic carabiners, get in touch with the Dailymag 24/7 customer service team.



Magnetic carabiners are highly valued for their heavy-duty functions for mounting, organization, and storage in industrial and residential settings.

Heavy-duty carabiners can hold up as much as 200+ pounds.

Industrial-grade magnetic neodymium carabiners provide a steady way to mount heavy equipment and machinery in warehouses, production lines, workshops, and garages.

If you’re looking for a reliable supplier of customized magnetic carabiners, get in touch with Dailymag.

The Dailymag team will ensure that you get high-grade customizations of Neodymium permanent magnet carabiners for your business needs.

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